Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - August-Boeckh-Antikezentrum

Ancient Knowledge in the Modern University

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 16.-17. März 2015

Montag, 16. März


9.45-10.00: Welcome and Introduction (Philip van der Eijk)

10.00-10.50: Gerd Grasshoff (HU): „Ancient scientific methods in the modern Era“

10.50-11.40: Sam Galson (PU/OX): „Infinitely material? Francis Bacon and ancient wisdom“

12.00-12.50: Christoph Sander (HU/MPIWG): „On the use and abuse of ancient philosophy for Jesuit College education: Iacobus Pontanus, Benet Perera, Alfonso Salmeròn“

14.30-15.20: Colin Guthrie King (HU/PC): „Aristotle’s Categories in the 19th Century“

15.30-16.20: Fabio Pagani (BBAW): „Manuscripts as objects of/for reception: Plato and Gemistos Pletho“

16.50-17.40: Frederic Clark (PU/Stanford): „Books and bibliothecae: Late antique bibliography and early modern literary history“



Dienstag, 17. März

9.30-10.20: Wilfried Nippel (HU): „Historiography and antiquarianism in the 19th century“

10.50-11.40: Han Lamers (HU): „Challenging Classicism. Aby Warburg (1866-1929) and the Study of the Classical Tradition“

11.50-12.20: Philip van der Eijk and Christina Savino (HU): „Canons of ancient medical literature in modern universities“

14.00-14.50: Stefanie Buchenau (HU / Paris VIII): „Kant on dietetics or: the conflict between the medical and the philosophical faculty“

15.00-15.50: Alexander Bevilacqua (PU): „Making Arabic modern in Michaelis’s Göttingen Classroom“

16.15-18.00: Brainstorming session on future co-operation HU/PU in Classics / History / Philosophy